What is the Work of God?
Luciano Rogerio de Souza
Do not destroy [...] the work of God ... (Romans 14. 20).
Any Protestant Christian who attends assiduously to his church, has heard countless times the phrase "Work of God" or "Work of the Lord." The same design differs greatly depending on the region, church and pastor. Influenced by modern society, believe and argue that materialism is God's work and aesthetic. Reducing the bricks, iron, cement, etc.. Concept extremely wrong! Design due to the force that created great empires denominational (church boards or ministries).
For God is quite different. The concept of Jesus on the Lord's work is the human being, ie, healing, miracles, deliverances and transforms lives. Luxury Temples do not correspond with the original sense (of God) of God's work. Such thing does not call attention and commotion of the Lord Jesus! Watch this biblical passage - Do not destroy the food God's work. It is true that everything is clean, but it is evil for that man who eateth with offense (Rom. 14. 20). Paul directed the Romans, lest they destroy God's work (people, believers) that place, with issues and concepts without foundation. For faith, hope, people were being destroyed. Here it becomes clear that the Lord mean bout people and material things nos. This verse reinforces our approach - Therefore, my beloved brethren, be ye steadfast, unmovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that your toil is not in vain in the Lord (1 Cor 15th. 58). Help us to be abundant in the next, the liberation of people and changing lives. This is truly God's work and pleasing to Jesus Christ!
What does "works in you both to will and to do"?
Luciano Rogerio de Souza
For it is God who works in you both to will and to do according to His good pleasure (Phil. 2:13).
The great apostle Paul made a special statement to the believers of the church of Philippi, about desire, salvation and good works. That in all situations, primarily originate in the Lord Himself. The apostle was saying, that the very desire (want) to the Philippians to help you (they sent money and food to Paul in prison) was operated by Jesus. And men do not realize such a thing without profit or self-interest (selfishness).
These divine influences (operation), or the Holy Spirit manifests in visions, dreams, spiritual gifts, etc.. Always seeking the good of mankind. Paul made it clear that the same rule also applies to salvation is Jesus who saves. However the man is only saved to respond to divine grace.
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